Quick Reference Guide
School Numbers and Hours
West School Office: 203-594-4400
Please call the West School main office by 9:00 am if your child is going to be absent from school. Should you need to contact West School teachers or staff, the email address format is firstname.lastname@ncps-k12.org.
West Nurse’s Office: 203-594-4415
School Hours:
- Regular: 8:40am to 3:10pm. Click here to learn more about school closings, delays, and early dismissals.
- Early Dismissal: 8:40am to 12:40pm. Please note: Lunch is served on days when there is a delay or early dismissal; snack will be at the regularly scheduled time.
Important School Links
West School Website: This site contains school and district news and information.
School Dismissal Manager Website: Notify the school of a change to your regular pick-up routine; login and initial password will be emailed directly to parents. Dismissal Manager daily deadline is 1:30pm.
LINQ Connect: School lunches are paid via cash or prepaid accounts via this vendor. On this website, you can deposit funds via a credit card, look at your balances, and see food purchases. Your child's student ID is necessary to create an account. If you don't have your child's student ID, email Michelle Santelli (michelle.santelli@ncps-k12.org) or call the West office. NOTE: Kindergarten teachers will notify parents when kindergartners are able to begin buying lunch (late fall).
New Canaan Board of Education Policies: All BOE policies are listed in the documents on this page. Most referenced items are often the Gifts to School Personnel (page 13), Food Allergies (page 173), and Recording, Broadcasting or Photographing of Activities in School Building or on School Grounds (page 7).
Get Involved & STAY INFORMED
West School Volunteer Hub: For ALL volunteer opportunities, please visit our new hub on the West PTC website.
Friday Folder: Stay up-to-date with school happenings through our weekly email newsletter. Click here to get on the PTC communications list.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16