West School PTC has begun the nominating process to present the slate of PTC Executive Board candidates for voting approval at the March PTC meeting. As part of this process, we are soliciting input from PTC members and faculty at this time for all candidates who should be considered for these important positions.


Please take the time to review the PTC Board position descriptions below. We hope you will nominate those individuals whom you feel are well qualified to serve on the PTC Executive Board for the 2025-26 school year. We welcome nominations for parents and guardians within our parent community, and we encourage you to nominate yourself if you are interested in this important commitment. The PTC membership will be notified of the slate of candidates for election and a vote will be taken at the March PTC meeting.


Please complete and submit the form here or at the link below for each candidate, or contact Josie Weiss and Karlie Raitano (presidents@westschoolptc.org) with your nominations. 





Co-Presidents (2 names will be presented):

The by-laws indicate that the Co-presidents shall have been members of the Executive Board prior to taking office.  They shall preside at all meetings of the PTC and the Executive Board, coordinate the work of the officers and committees, and attend all PTC/PFA Presidents meetings.  The President(s) will be responsible for appointing a Board of Education liaison who will attend all Board of Education meetings and provide a written summary of those meetings to the general membership.  In the event of the absence or inability of the President(s) to perform, the Executive Board shall appoint a person to perform the duties of the President(s), as appropriate. 


Vice Presidents:


Fundraising (2 names will be presented):

The Vice President(s) Fundraising shall act as aides to the President(s) and shall oversee all fund-raising activities of the PTC, including, but not limited to, our Annual Capital Campaign, Book Fair and School Spiritwear Merchandise.


Programs (2 names will be presented):

The Vice President(s) Programs shall act as aides to the President(s) and shall oversee the enrichment and curriculum programs sponsored by the PTC.


Social (2 names will be presented):

The Vice President(s) Social shall act as aides to the Presidents(s) and shall be responsible for all West School community events that recognize teachers, staff and volunteers; New-to-West events; and school spirit special events.  Some of these events include: the PTC Family Night, Art Show, Parent Social and Teacher Appreciation Breakfast and Luncheons.  


Parent Education (1 name will be presented):

The Vice President Parent Education shall act as an aide to the President(s) and shall oversee all PTC sponsored programs which provide resources or support to parents and students and oversee the lead classroom coordinator(s) assisting with matters related to classroom coordinators communications, selection, training and support.   Refreshments for the General PTC meetings are coordinated by the Vice President Parent Education.


Communications (2 names will be presented):

The Vice Presidents of Communications shall act as an aide to the President(s) and shall be responsible for online communications to parents and faculty; editing and sending of PTC eblasts except the Friday Folder; keeping the PTC website current; liaising with the local media and NCPS Communications Director for the purposes of school publicity.


Secretary (1 name will be presented):

The Secretary shall act as an aide to the President(s) and shall be responsible for compiling and updating the PTC contact list; recording minutes at the PTC Executive Board and general meetings; correspondence generated by the PTC; purchasing of gifts for the members of the faculty, staff, and administration as approved by the Executive Board; maintaining the PTC bylaws, Membership, the school directory, Memory Book and the Sunshine Fund.


Treasurer (1 name will be presented) and Assistant Treasurer (1 name will be presented):

The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall act as aides to the President(s), receive all monies, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, pay out funds, sign checks, prepare and present a budget for all PTC run programs and events, present a financial update at each Executive Board meeting, make a full report and present a summer spending amount to be approved by the Executive Board and general membership, and file the appropriate tax forms. The Treasurer position is filled by the prior year’s Assistant Treasurer.


All officers shall attend PTC Board and General meetings.  Officers will maintain committee records and transfer them to new officers at their respective turnover meetings in June.